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Cosmetic Dermatology

Catherine Borysiewicz - Consultant Dermatologist

Your skin is unique, I use extensive experience of dermatology and understanding of the skin and its related structures to help achieve a smooth skin texture and glow- that can only be achieved with a healthy skin barrier. Skin care trends will come and go but healthy radiant skin will always be in!



A luxury 24-carat gold micro-infusion facial device that delivers a personalised blend of ingredients into the skin via 20 hair fine micro-channels. The finest ingredients are selected for to help tackle a wide range of skin concerns.

Face peels

A wide range of facial peels hand selected by me for their individual properties in promoting a healthy fresh complexion. Peels can be used to reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation caused by sun damage, as well as rejuvenating the skin.


Injections of botulinum toxin are used to relax groups of muscles in the face helping to reduce the appearance of deep lines and further prevent them forming. Botox injections can also be used to help with problems like excessive underarm sweating.

Facial fillers

Dermal Fillers can be used to fill areas of prominent wrinkles, as well as to gently enhance certain facial features such as the lips.


This technique involves pricking the skin with tiny sterilised needles. The small wounds cause your body to make more collagen and elastin, which heal your skin and help you look younger. You might also hear it called collagen induction therapy.

Cryotherapy & Hyfrecation

Small blemishes such as skin tags can be removed for aesthetic reasons using cryotherapy & hyfrecation quickly and easily in clinic.

Plastic Surgery

I work closely with Mr Nanidis, consultant plastic surgeon for more complex minor procedures, as well as being confident in referring many of my patients over to him who are interested in a cosmetic breast or body procedures. His website is here

Mesotherapy and PRP

Mesotherapy is a technique that uses injections of vitamins, enzymes, hormones, PRP (protein rich plasma) or plant extracts to rejuvenate and tighten skin.

Image by Susan Wilkinson

Skin Care

What Our Clients Say

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Patient testimonial, Botox

Dr. Nanidis was very thorough in explaining my small procedure and made me feel at ease. I am so pleased with the results and really felt like I was in safe hands with Dr. Nanidis. I would recommend him to anyone looking for plastic surgery or non-surgical treatments.
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